This is my sweet cat Holly, a rescue cat found at my school behind the holly bushes by Lindy, our principal's sheltie. She's been with with me three years now. She's my baby.
When she was found, she was only about five months old, pregnant and starved. She had the kittens the very first night at my house, but they were so tiny and she was so malnourished, they didn't live.
Holly now is a fat and sassy little girl who enjoys sleeping with me, sleeping by the fire, and chasing her toys across the kitchen floor. She and Smoky do not get along and she spends many an hour hiding for the Smokster.
Looking over this blog, many years since this photo was taken makes me sad. I lost Holly this past November to stomach cancer. She was the sweetest cat I've ever owned. I miss her greatly, even all these months later.